How to Prepare Your Home For A Storm

Storm season, notably hurricane season in Florida, is one of the most dreaded times of the year. Every year homeowners prepare their homes to mitigate damage and protect their homes from the unknown, but every year, we also get surprises and are filled with regrets about what we SHOULD'VE done to protect us even further. While there is no one fix when it comes to storms, there are some measures you can take to make sure that you are prepared and your home is secured.

Hurricane storm damage in Florida

First things first, you need to protect YOURSELF before you protect your home. Here are a few things you should do prior to storm season.

Review your insurance coverage and ensure you have enough to cover potential damage from a hurricane or major weather event

Before the storm season, it is essential to understand your insurance coverage so that in the event of a disaster, you are covered. Thousands of homeowners never go through the due diligence of ensuring their coverage is sufficient until it is too late. Call your insurance agent BEFORE you need them, and make sure that your home is equipped with the coverage it needs.

Create an emergency supply kit with non-perishable foods, water, flashlight, medicines, battery-powered electronics, and extra batteries

In case you lose power, you do not want to be without the essential items you will need to get through the hours, days, or even weeks without electricity. Too often people neglect to take the precautions necessary should they lose power. Have an emergency supply kit with the things that are most essential to you.

Following Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida, over 2.7 million people were without power; most were restored after a week, but some were left without power for over a month!

Develop an evacuation plan with your family, including a designated meeting place and a plan for communicating with each other if separated

When a storm is approaching your area, there is often no way of knowing exactly where it will hit and how much strength it will lose or gain. It is essential to determine a plan for evacuation if needed and a communication plan BEFORE the storm hits. There are consistent statistics of people who neglect to leave their homes in the face of danger and risk their lives.

Now for your home...

Make sure your property is protected by installing storm shutters or putting up plywood to cover windows and doors

Boarding up windows during a hurricane can help to protect the interior of a building from wind and water damage. High winds can cause windows to break, allowing water to enter the building and potentially causing structural damage or flooding. Boarding up the windows can also help to prevent injury from flying glass. It is a way to reinforce windows so they can withstand the pressure, wind, and debris that are associated with a hurricane.

Trim trees and remove dead branches to prevent them from falling and causing damage during a storm

Trimming trees before a storm can help reduce the risk of damage to property and power lines and potential injury to people. During a storm, strong winds can cause tree limbs to break off and fall, potentially damaging buildings, vehicles, and power lines. Trimming dead or damaged branches and removing branches that hang over buildings or power lines can help reduce the risk of damage during a storm.

Keep important documents such as insurance policies, identification, and emergency contact information in a safe, easily accessible place

After a storm, you may be flustered and not remember where some important documents that you will need. By preparing and organizing these essential files before a storm, you are ensuring their safety and placement so that you can easily find them in a post-storm situation.

Keep a supply of sandbags or purchase a portable flood barrier to help protect against flooding

Sandbags are an efficient and affordable way to protect the interior of your home. Sandbags divert floodwater away from your home or building to mitigate the amount of water that can enter your home. This is one of the most significant protections you can set up from incoming floodwater when a storm hits. Set up the sandbags in layers, each successive layer overlapping the one below it.

Stay informed about the storm's progress and follow instructions from local officials, including any evacuation orders

It is crucial that you listen to your local officials and heed their advice when it comes to storms. Home preparedness is not important if your own personal safety is at risk.


Remember, it is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. The actions you take before the storm can make a big difference in the event of a hurricane, and it is essential to stay informed and follow the guidance of local officials.

If you have specific questions about preparing your home and roof before a storm or fixes to your roof after a storm event, please call NEXGEN Roofing at (904) 650-4945 or email us at We're here to help you!


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